Who really wants to say goodbye to family togetherness, parties, a precious time of leisure… before the hurly-burly of “ordinary life” takes over again?  It’s sometimes a sad task to take down those Christmas decorations, but it’s got to be done… in churches as well as homes.  A huge thank you to the Langdale Women’s Group for all they’ve done again this year to make the church look so beautiful: both to those who put up decorations, crib scene, candles etc and have now just taken them all down.  It really was worth it!! Loads of appreciative comments, and it felt so much easier to enter into the atmosphere of those special, night-time services.  They say January is the worst time for depression as people struggle with getting back to work again, BUT we’ve most of us got some good memories (though spare a thought for several families in the valley who have been bereaved very recently, for whom Christmas was particularly tough), and there are things to look forward to – even in January!



The woollen Nativity Set





For instance the week of prayer for Christian Unity is a wonderful and important occasion, when local Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Methodists & Quakers meet together in each others’ worship buildings to pray in that tradition’s style for more of the unity which Jesus himself prayed for.  Here are the times when we shall meet together:-

Churches Together in Ambleside District

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

18th to 24th January 2018

We are holding a service each day to mark the week. This year’s theme is “Liberation”.

 Thursday  18th Jan     10.30am    Holy Trinity, Langdale

Friday  19th Jan                2.00pm        Baptist Church

Saturday 20th Jan           10.30am       Methodists in parish centre

Sunday  21st Jan             11.00am    United Service, St Mary’s

Monday  22nd Jan           10.00am       Holy Trinity, Brathay

Tuesday 23rd Jan            10.00am       Quakers, at Glenthorne

Wednesday 24th Jan      6.30pm        Mater Amabilis


Sunday 21st January 11.00am  United Service at St Mary’s Church, Ambleside. (NB There will be NO separate service in Langdale on that day)

All the local churches will be taking part in this service.  Do come along and support any of these you are able to.

 Wishing all our readers a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!







Post-Christmas blues